An A-Z directory of Independent Publishers in the UK and Ireland that I know of, linked to an information page with addresses, websites and other contact information. If you know of any that I’ve missed could you please let me know using the Contact form.
Once I’ve made a page for the publisher on this website the name will link to that page with all contact details on it.
- 3:AM Magazine
- 3 of Cups Press
- 3TimesRebel Press
- The 87 Press
- 333 Sound
- 404 Ink: website
- A Void: website
- The A3 Press & Review
- Aaaargh Press: website
- Abaddon Books: website
- Ablekids Press: twitter
- Absolute Press: website
- ACC Art Books: website
- Accent Press: website
- Acid Bath Publishing: website
- Acropolis Journal: website
- Acumen Literary Journal: website
- Ad Hoc Fiction: website
- Aesthetica Magazine: website
- African Writing: website
- Against the Grain Press: website
- Agenda Editions: website
- Agenda Publishing: website
- Agora Books: website
- AK Press Edinburgh: website
- Alanna Max Books: website
- The Alchemy Press: website
- The All-New Swimmers Club: website
- All The Sins: website
- Allison & Busby: website
- Alba Publishing: website
- Allardyce, Barnett, Publishers: website
- Alma Books: website
- Almond Press: website
- Amarinthine Books: website
- Amber Books Ltd: website
- Ambit Magazine: website
- The Amorist: website
- Anamot Press: website
- Andersen Press: website
- Angry Robot Books: website
- Anima Poetry Press: website
- Another Place Press: website
- Another North: website
- And Other Stories: website
- Antiphone: website
- Aquifer Books: website
- Arachne Press
- Arbery Books: website
- Arc Publications: website
- Arcanum Press: website
- Archipelago: website
- Areté Books: website
- Aria Fiction: website
- Arkbound: website
- Arlen House: website
- Armley Press: website
- Art / Books Publishing: website
- The Artel Press: website
- Artemis Poetry: website
- As Yet Untitled: website
- D’Ascoyne Press: facebook
- ASLS: website
- Aston Bay Press: website
- Asylum Magazine: website
- Atlantic: website
- Atlas Press: website
- Atrium Poetry: website
- Augur Press: website
- Aurora Metro Books: website
- Auteur Publishing: twitter
- Avery Hill: website
- Awen Publications: website
- Ayebia: website
- b small publishing
- Backlash Press: website
- Bad Form Review: website
- Bad Betty Press
- Bad Lilies: website
- Bad Press Ink: website
- Balestier Press: website
- The Bangor Literary Journal: website
- Banshee Press: website
- Barbican Press: website
- Barrington Stoke: website
- BarvasFoto: website
- bath magg: website
- BB Books
- Beachy Books: website
- Bearded Badger Publishing: website
- Beaten Track Publishing: website
- Beercott Books: website
- Behind the Hat Press: website
- Bellows Press: website
- Bent Key Publishing: website
- Beul Aithris Publishing: website
- BHP Comics: website
- Big Black Books: website
- Birch Moon Press: website
- Bird’s Nest Press: website
- Birlinn Ltd: website
- Biteback Publishing: website
- Bitter Lemon Press: website
- Bittern Books: website
- Black and White Publishing: website
- Black Cat Poetry Press: website
- Black Dog Press: website
- Black Herald Press: website
- Black Ink Fiction: website
- The Black Light Engine Room Press: twitter
- Black Pear Press: website
- Black Rabbit Press: website
- Black Shuck Books: website
- Black Static: Website
- Black Telephone Magazine: website
- Black Wolf Edition & Publishing: website
- Blackbox Manifold: website
- Blackstaff Press: website
- Blithe Spirit (The British Haiku Society): website
- Bloodaxe Books: website
- Bloodhound Books: website
- Blossom Spring Publishing: twitter
- Blue Diode: website
- Blue Falcon Publishing: website
- Blue Poppy Publishing
- Blueprint Poetry Press: twitter
- Bluefoot Press: website
- Bluemoose Books: website
- Boatwhistle Books: website
- Bobaloo Books: website
- Bodleian Publishing: website
- Bog Eyed Books: website
- Boiler House Press: website
- Bold Heart Publishing: website
- Bold Reekie Publishing: instagram
- Bold Voice Press: website
- Boldwood Books: website
- The Book Guild: website
- Book Hill Int: website
- Book Island: website
- Bookanista: website
- Bookouture: website
- Books to Treasure
- Books Work: website
- Boomslang Books: website
- Boudicca Press: website
- Francis Boutle: website
- Boxer Books: website
- Charles Boyle Editions: website
- Bradwell Books: website
- Brain Mill Press: website
- Brewin Books: website
- Bridge House Publishing: website
- Bright Light Books: website
- Brilliant Monsters Books: website
- British Journalism Review: website
- British Library Publishing: website
- Brittle Star: website
- Broken Sleep Books: website
- The Broken Spine: website
- Brown Owl Press: website
- Brown Watson: website
- Jonathan Ball Publishers (South Africa): website
- Bullaun Press: website
- Burning Chair Publishing: website
- Burning Eye Books: website
- Burning House Press:: website
- Burnt Roti: website
- Buster Books: website
- Butcher’s Dog: website
- Butterfly Books: website
- Byker Books: website
- CAAB Publishing
- The Cabinet of Heed: website
- Caffeine Nights: website
- Cahill Davis Publishing: website
- Calder Valley Poetry: website
- Calon Books: twitter
- Calque Press: twitter
- Cambridge Literary Review: website
- Cambridge Thinking Press: website
- Camphor Press: website
- Can of Worms: website
- Canbury Press
- Candlestick Press: website
- Candy Jar Books: website
- Canelo: twitter
- Canongate: website
- Carcanet Press: website
- The Cardiff Review: website
- Carnegie Publishing: website
- Carysfort Press: website
- Cassava Republic: website
- Cast Iron Books: website
- The Caterpillar: website
- Catkin Press: website
- Catnip Books: website
- CB Editions: website
- Centrala: website
- Centre for British Documentary Photography
- Cerasus Poetry: website
- Channel Magazine: website
- Chapman: website
- Charco Press
- Cheerio Publishing: website
- Chicken House: website
- Childs Play (Int): website
- Chime Whistle Publishing: website
- Chiselbury Publishing: website
- Choc Lit: website
- Chroma Editions: website
- Chronos Publishing
- Cicada Books: website
- Cillian Press: website
- Cinnamon Press: website
- Cipher Press: website
- Circaidy Gregory Press: website
- Claret Press: website
- Ayebia Clarke Publishing: website
- Clash Books: website
- clavmag: website
- The Clearing: website
- Clinic: website
- Close to the Bone Publishing: website
- Clover and White Magazine: website
- Clutag Press: website
- Cobalt Fortress: website
- Cogito Publishing: website
- Coin-Operated Press: website
- Colossive Press: website
- Columba Press: website
- Comma Press: website
- The Common Breath: website
- The Compass Magazine: website
- Conker Editions: website
- Contemporary Small Press: website
- Cōnfingō Publishing: website
- Copy Press: website
- Coracle: website
- Corbel Stone Press: website
- Corn Cob Press: website
- The Cornovia Press: website
- Corona Books UK: website
- Corylus Books: website
- Council House Publishing: website
- Cranachan Publishing: website
- Crannog: website
- The Crater Press: website
- Cressrelles Publishing Company Limited: website
- Crime Scene Books: website
- Crimewave: website
- Crinkle Crankle Press: website
- Crooked Halo Books: website
- Crown House Publishing: website
- Crowvus: website
- The Crunch: website
- Crystal Magazine: website
- CTR+ALT+DEL: website
- The Curly Magazine: website
- Currach Press: website
- Daddy Do My Hair
- Dahlia Books: website
- Dammaged Comics: website
- Dancing Bear Books: website
- Darf Publishers: website
- Dark Holmes Publishing: website
- The Dark Horse: website
- Dark Minds Press: website
- Dalesman Publishing: website
- Daunt Books Publishing: website
- David Fickling Books: website
- The Dawntreader Magazine: website
- Dead Ink: website
- Dean Street Press: website
- deCoubertin Books: website
- Dedalus Books: website
- Deixis Press
- Dempsey & Windle: website
- Derwent Press: instagram
- Dinosaur Books: website
- Dirt Pie Press: website
- Dissections: website
- Disturbance Press: website
- Do Book Company: website
- Dodging the Rain: website
- Dodo Ink: website
- Dog Section Press: website
- Dog and Vile: website
- Doghorn Publishing: website
- Doire Press
- The Dome Press: website
- Doodles and Scribbles: website
- Dostoyevsky Wannabe: website
- Dream Catcher: website
- The Dublin Review: website
- Duckworth Books: website
- Dudley Doodle Books: website
- Dune Books: website
- Dunlin Press: website
- Earlyworks Press: website
- East of the Web: website
- Edinburgh University Press: website
- Egaeus Press: website
- Egg Box Publishers: website
- Egon Publishers: website
- Eibonvale Press: website
- Eiderdown Books: website
- Eland Books: website
- Elementum: website
- Elliot & Thompson: website
- Ellipsis Imprints: website
- Ellipsis Zine: website
- Elsewhen Press: website
- Elsewhere: A Journal of Place: website
- The Emma Press: website
- Enigma Books: website
- Enitharmon Press: website
- Envelope Books: website
- Envoi Poetry Journal: no website yet
- Epigram Books: website
- époque press
- Equinox Publishing: website
- Equus Press: website
- Erbacce-Press: website
- Ergi Press: website
- Erotic Review: website
- Estuary Publishing: website
- Etruscan Books: website
- Everything With Words: website
- Exiled Ink: website
- Extra Teeth: website
- Eye/Lightning Books: website
- Eye Flash Poetry: website
- Eyewear/Maida Vale Books: website
- Eyrie Press: website
- Faber & Faber: website
- Fahrenheit Press: website
- Fair Acre Press: website
- Fair Spark Books: website
- Fairlight Books
- Fantom Publishing: website
- Farrago Books: website
- Farrar, Straus & Giroux: website
- Fat Fox Books: website
- The Fenland Reed: website
- Fentum Press: website
- Fickle Press: twitter
- The Fiction Desk: website
- The Fiction Pool: website
- Fictive Dream: website
- Final Chapter: website
- Fincham Press: website
- Fine Feather Press Ltd: website
- Fine Press Poetry: website
- Finished Creatures Poetry Magazine: website
- Finn Star Books: website
- Fircone Books: website
- Firebird Press: twitter
- Firefly Press: website
- Firewords: website
- Fish Publishing: website
- Fitzcarraldo Editions: website
- Five Dials: website
- Five Leaves Publishing
- Five Quills: website
- Flapjack Press: website
- Flarestack Poets: website
- Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine: website
- Flashback Fiction: website
- Fledgling Press: website
- Flipped Eye Publishing: website
- Floodlit Dreams: website
- Floris Books: website
- Fly on the Wall Press
- Flying Eye Books: website
- The Folio Society: website
- For Books’ Sake: website
- Formy Books: website
- Foundation Press: website
- Four Corners Books: website
- Fox, Finch & Tepper: website
- Fox Spirit Books: website
- Fox and Windmill: twitter
- Foxtrot Uniform: website
- Freedom Press: website
- The Frogmore Press: website
- From Glasgow to Saturn: website
- Les Fugitives: website
- Fulgur Press: website
- Full Stop: website
- Fum d’Estampa Press: website
- Galileo Publishers: website
- The Gallery Press
- Galley Beggar Press: website
- Gallic Press: website
- Garmoran Publishing: website
- Garreteer Press: website
- Gatehouse Press: website
- The Ghastling Press: website
- Ghost Orchid Press: website
- Giles Ltd: website
- Girasol Press: website
- Giving Room Mag: website
- Glagoslav Publications: website
- Globe Publishing: website
- Goat Star Books: website
- Goldsmiths Press: website
- Gomer: website
- Good Comics: website
- Gorse: website
- GOST Books: website
- Graffeg Press: website
- Graft Poetry: website
- Hardie Grant: website
- Granta: website
- Green Bean Books: website
- The Green Book: website
- Green Bottle Press: website
- Green Ink Poetry: website
- Greenhill Books: website
- Greenteeth Press: website
- Walter Greenwood Press: twitter
- Grey Hen Press: website
- Grimbold Books: website
- Grist: website
- Grub Street Books: website
- Guardbridge Books: website
- Guildhall Press: website
- Guillemot Press: website
- Guppy Books: website
- Guts Publishing: website
- Gutter Magazine: website
- Gylphi Limited: website
- habitat’s magazine: kickstarter
- Hadean Press: website
- Hafan Books: website
- Hajar Press: website
- Halban Publishers: website
- Halcyon Publishing: website
- Robert Hale Ltd: website
- Half MoonBooks: website
- Halfly Press: website
- The Halt: website
- Hammer and Mirror Books: website
- HammerOn Press: website
- Handheld Press
- Haphazard Review: website
- Happenstance Press: website
- Harana Poetry: website
- Harriman House: website
- Hashtag Press: website
- Haunt Publishing: website
- Haverthorn: website
- Hawkwood Books: website
- Hawthorn Press: website
- Hayloft Publishing: website
- Hazel Press: website
- Head of Zeus (HoZ): website
- Headpress: website
- Hearing Eye: website
- The Hedgehog Poetry Press
- Hedgespoken Press: website
- Héloïse Press: website
- Henningham Family Press
- Hera Books: website
- Hercules Editions: website
- Here Comes Everyone: website
- Hermitage Press: website
- Heroic Books
- Herself Press: website
- Hesterglock Press: website
- Hi Vis Press: website
- Hickathrift Press: twitter
- Hideaway Fall: website
- The High Window Press: website
- Hikari Press: website
- Hinterland Magazine: website
- The History Press: website
- Hobart Books: website
- Hobeck Books: website
- Hogs Back Books: website
- Holland House Books: website
- Holland Park Press: website
- Honest Publishing: website
- Honey Lit: website
- Honford Star: website
- Honno Press: website
- Hookline Books: website
- Hope Road: website
- Horrific Tales Publishing: website
- Hotel: website
- House Sparrow Press: website
- Hoxton Mini Press: website
- Lund Humphries: website
- Hurst Publishers: website
- Hurst Street Press: website
- HVTN: website
- Hypnopomp: website
- I Am Not a Silent Poet: website
- Icon Books: website
- Idle Ink: website
- If A Leaf Falls Press: website
- If P Then Q: website
- Ignite Books: website
- Imagine That: website
- Immanion Press: website
- Impress Books: website
- Incline Press: website
- Indie Books: website
- Indie Novella: website
- Indigo Dreams Publishing: website
- The Indigo Press: website
- Infinity Books UK: website
- Infinity Plus: website
- Influx Press: website
- ink and locket press: website
- Ink Road Books: website
- Ink Sweat and Tears: website
- Inkandescent: website
- Inque Magazine: website
- Inspired Quill: website
- Intellect Books: website
- The Interpreter’s House: website
- Interzone: website
- Iota Poetry: website
- Iris: website
- Iris Books: website
- Irish Literary Review: website
- Iron Press: website
- The Island Review: website
- Isola Press: website
- Istros Books: website
- Ivy Press: website
- Jacaranda Books: website
- Jane’s Studio Press: website
- Joffe Books Publisher: website
- John Catt Educational: website
- Jotters United Lit-Zine: website
- The Journal: website
- Junction Box: website
- Kashi House Publishing: website
- Katabasis: website
- Kelpies: website
- Kenilworth Press: website
- Khidr Collective: website
- Knight Errant Press: website
- Knights Of: website
- Knives Forks and Spoons Press: website
- Kobayaashi Studios: website
- Kogan Page: website
- Kristell Ink: website
- Kube Publishing: website
- Kurumuru Books: website
- Kyle Books: website
- website
- Lagan Press: website
- Lampeter Review: website
- Lantana Publishing: website
- Lapwing Publications: website
- Laudanum: website
- Lawrence & Wishart Books: website
- Lazy Bee Scripts: website
- Leafe Press: website
- Leamington Books: website
- The Learned Pig: website
- Legend Press: website
- Lemon Quartz Publishing: facebook
- Lendal Press: website
- Les Fugitives: website
- The Letters Page: website
- Liar’s League: website
- Liberties Press: website
- Lifeboat Press: website
- Lighthouse: website
- The Lilliput Press: website
- Liminal 11: website
- Liminal Ink: website
- Line Rider Press: website
- Linen Press: website
- The Literary Pocket Book: website
- Literati Magazine: website
- Litro Magazine Ltd: website
- Litter Magazine: website
- Little Bear Publications: website
- Little Door Books: website
- Little Island Books: website
- Little Peak Press: website
- Little Poems Books: website
- Little Toller
- Liverpool University Press: website
- LMD Publications: website
- Loft Books: twitter
- Logaston Press: website
- Lolli Editions: website
- The London Magazine: website
- The Lonely Press: website
- Long Poem Magazine: website
- Longbarrow Press: website
- Loose Chippings: website
- LossLit Magazine: website
- Lost Shoe Publishing: website
- Low Light Magazine: website
- Luath Press
- Lume Books: website
- The Luminaries Magazine: website
- Luna Press Publishing: website
- Lunate: website
- Lune: website
- Lutterworth Press: website
- McFori Ink: website
- McNidder & Grace: website
- Mabecron Books: website
- MACK Books: website
- Madbox Publishing: website
- Magic Cat Publishing: website
- Magma: website
- Makina Books: website
- Mama Makes Books
- The Manchester Review: website
- Manchester University Press: website
- Manderley Press: website
- Mandrake of Oxford: website
- Manifold Press: website
- Mantle Lane Press: website
- Maquette Press: website
- Marbles Mag: website
- Mariscat Press: website
- Marotte Books: website
- Mascot Media: website
- Master House Publishing: website
- Matthew James Publishing: website
- Maverick Books: website
- Maybe Later Press: website
- Mayfly: website
- Maytree Press: website
- Meanwhile: website
- The Mechanics’ Institute Review: website
- Medina Publishing: website
- Melos Press: website
- Mercier Press: website
- Merdog Books: website
- Merrell Publishing: website
- Merlin Unwin: website
- Metro Publications: website
- Meze Publishing: website
- Miami Fox Publishing: website
- Mica Press: website
- Middle Farm Press: website
- The Milk House: website
- Mind Dreams Press: website
- Mineral Lit Mag: website
- Minor Literature[s]: website
- Mira Publishing: website
- MMS Publishing: website
- Moat House Publishing: website
- Modern Poetry in Translation: website
- Moist
- Monnath Books: website
- Monsoon Books: website
- Monstrous Regiment Publishing
- Moonchild Magazine: website
- Moot Press: website
- Morbid Books: website
- Morphrog: website
- Morrmaid Press: website
- The Moth: website
- Mother’s Milk Books: website
- Mount Orleans Press: website
- Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings: website
- Moxy Magazine: website
- Mslexia: website
- Mudfrog Press: website
- Muddy Pearl Books: website
- Mulfran Press: website
- Murder Slim Press: website
- Muscaliet Press: website
- Must Visit Guides: website
- Muswell Press
- Myriad Editions: website
- Myrmidon Books: website
- Naked Eye Publishing: website
- NB Magazine: website
- Necessary Fiction: website
- Neem Tree Press: website
- Neon Books: website
- Neon Rabbit Publishing: twitter
- Neon Literary Magazine: website
- New Frontier Publishing: website
- New Island Books: website
- The New Menard Press: website
- New River Press: website
- New Ruins Books: website
- A New Ulster: website
- New Walk Editions: website
- New Welsh Review: website
- New Writing Scotland: website
- Newark Air Museum: website
- Newcon Press: website
- Nick Owen Publishing: website
- Nightjar Press: website
- Nine Arches Press: website
- Nine Pens Press: website
- No Alibis Press: website
- No Exit Press: website
- Nobrow Press: website
- Noir Press: website
- nordisk books: website
- The North Magazine: website
- North Staffs Press: website
- Northern Bee Books: website
- Northern Eye Books: website
- Northern Gravy: website
- Northodox Press: website
- Northwords Now: website
- Norvik Press: website
- Nosy Crow: website
- Notting Hill Editions: website
- The Nottingham Review: website
- Novel Hovel Press: website
- Nyx Publishing: website
- The O’Brien Press: website
- Michael O’Mara Books: website
- Oak Tree Fine Press: website
- Obliterati Press: website
- Ockham Publishing: website
- Ockley Books: website
- Offa’s Press: website
- Offord Road Books: website
- Oftomes: website
- The Ogham Stone: website
- Oil On Water Press: website
- Old Barn Books: website
- Old Street Publishing: website
- Oldcastle Books: website
- Oleander Press: website
- Olympia Publishers: website
- Oneworld: website
- The Onslaught Press: website
- Onstream Book Publications: website
- Onwe Press: website
- Open Pen: website
- Open Space Books
- Orbis Quarterly International Journal: website
- Orenda Books: website
- Original Plus: website
- Orphans Publishing: website
- Ortac Press: website
- Otranto House: website
- Otter Barry Books: website
- Ouen Press: website
- Out-Spoken Press: website
- Oversteps Books: website
- Peter Owen Publishers: website
- Owlet Press: website
- Own It!: website
- Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre: website
- Oxygen Books: website
- Oystercatcher Press: website
- Ozaru Books: website
- P+H Books: website
- Paekakariki Press: website
- Palazzo Editions: website
- Palewell Press: website
- Pallas Athene: website
- Pallina Press: website
- Panther Publishing: website
- Paper and Ink: website
- Paper Lanterns Literary Journal: website
- Paper Swans Press: website
- Papillote Press: website
- Paragraph Planet: website
- Parakeet Books: website
- Paramecium Press: website
- Parallel Universe Publications: website
- Pariah Press: website
- Parthian Books: website
- Patrician Press: website
- Pavillion Books Group: website
- PB Press: website
- Peepal Tree Press: website
- Peirene Press: website
- Peninsula Press: website
- Penkhull Press: website
- Penned in the Margins: website
- Pennine Platform: website
- The Penny Dreadful: website
- Pennyshorts: website
- Penteract Press: website
- The People’s Friend: website
- Peridot Press: website
- Periscope Books: website
- Persephone Books: website
- Phaeton Publishing Ltd: website
- Phaidon: website
- The Phlogiston Press: substack
- Phoenix Publishing House: website
- Phoenix Yard Books: website
- The Pickled Body: website
- Pictish Beast Publications: website
- Pikku Publishing: website
- Pilot Press: website
- Pilrig Press: website
- Pimpernel Press: website
- Pinter & Martin: website
- Pitch Publishing: website
- Pixel Heart Literary Magazine: website
- Planet and Planet Extra: website
- Platform for Prose: website
- Platypus Press: website
- Pluto Press: website
- PN Review: website
- Poddle Publications: website
- Poetry Ireland: website
- Poetry London: website
- The Poetry Review: website
- Poetry Space: website
- Poetry Wales: website
- Polari Press: website
- Polygon Books: website
- Pook Press: website
- Poolbeg Press: website
- Popshot Magazine: website
- Porridge Magazine: website
- Christopher Posner Books: website
- The Pound Project: website
- Praspar Press: website
- Prelude Books: website
- Product Magazine: website
- Profile Books: website
- Profusion Books: website
- Prolebooks: website
- Prototype Publishing: website
- Provoco Publishing: website
- PS Publishing: website
- Public Knowledge Books: website
- The Publishing Project: website
- pulpinprint: twitter
- Pulsar Poetry Magazine: website
- Push – The Writing Squad: website
- Pushing Out The Boat: website
- Pushkin Press: website
- Quadrant Books: website
- Quadrille Food: website
- Quartet Books: website
- Queerlings: website
- Quid: website
- Quiller Publishing: website
- Quirky Press: website
- Rack Press: website
- Ragged Bears: website
- Ration Books: website
- Rat’s Tales: website
- Raum Poetry: website
- Reach Poetry: website
- Read & Co. Books: website
- Read Zone Books: website
- The Reader: website
- The Real Press: website
- Rebellion Publishing: website
- The Red Ceilings Press: website
- Red Circle Authors
- Red Dog Press: website
- Red Door Publishing: website
- Red Fez Books: website
- Red Hare Publishing: website
- Red Press: website
- Red Robin Books: website
- Red Rook Press, Alabama: website
- Red Squirrel Press: website
- Redbrick: website
- Reflex Fiction: website
- Reflex Press: website
- Reliable Copy: website
- Renard Press
- Repeater Books: website
- Retreat West: website
- The Rialto: website
- Richardson Puzzles and Games: website
- Riggwelter: website
- Ringwood Publishing: website
- Riptide Journal: website
- Robotto Media: website
- Rockingham Press: website
- Romaunce: website
- Ross Cottage Publishing: website
- Rough Trade Press: website
- Route Publishing: website
- Rowan Moon Press: twitter
- Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Ltd: website
- Ruby Fiction: website
- Rufus Stone Limited Editions: website
- Rustle Press: website
- Rydon Publishing: website
- Ryland Peters & Small: website
- Sable: website
- Sacristy Press: website
- Sad Press: website
- Salad Pages: website
- Salamander Street: website
- Salariya Book Co.: website
- Salmon Poetry: website
- Salt: website
- Salò Press: website
- Salomé: website
- Salon of the Refused: website
- Sandstone Press: website
- Sans. Press: website
- Sapere Books: website
- Saqi Books: website
- Saraband Books: website
- Sarasvati: website
- Sassify Press: website
- Scallywag Press: website
- Scene Alba: website
- Scoop: website
- The Scores: website
- Scotland Street Press
- Scottish Mountaineering Press: website
- Scratch Books: website
- Scratching Shed Publishing Ltd: website
- Scribe Publications: website
- Scrittura Magazine: website
- Sea Lion Press: website
- Search Press Books: website
- Seaside Gothic: website
- Self Made Hero: website
- The Selkie: website
- The Selkie Press: website
- Sentinel Literary Quarterly: website
- September Publishing: website
- Seren Books: website
- Serif Books: website
- Serpentine Books: website
- Set Margins’ Books: website
- Seven Arches Publishing: website
- Seven Stories Press: website
- Seventh Quarry Press: website
- Severn House: website
- Shade 7 Publishing: website
- The Shadow Booth: website
- Shared Press: website
- Sharpe Books: website
- Shearsman Books: website
- Sheldrake Press: website
- Shin Publications: website
- Shoestring Press: website
- Shooter Literary Magazine: website
- Shoreline of Infinity: website
- Short Books: website
- Short Fiction: website
- Shrine Bell: website
- Side Real Books: website
- Sidekick Books: website
- Sídhe Press: website
- Signal 8 Press: website
- Silhouette Press: website
- Silkworms Ink: website
- Silver Press: website
- Silvertail Press: website
- Sine Wave Peak: website
- Singing Apple Press: website
- Sinister Horror Company: website
- Sinoist Press: website
- Siren Press: website
- Sixth Element: website
- Skein Press: website
- The Skinny: website
- Skylight 47: website
- Skylight Press: website
- Slightly Foxed Magazine: website
- Small Beer Press: website
- small leaf press: website
- SmashBear publishing: website
- Smithereens Literary Magazine: website
- Smithereens Press: website
- Smokestack Books: website
- Smooth|Doorstop Books: website
- Snow Lit Rev: website
- Snowbooks: website
- Soaring Penguin Press: website
- Solaris: website
- Somesuch Stories: website
- Soor Ploom Press: website
- Soundings: website
- Soundswrite Press: website
- South Bank Poetry: website
- South Poetry Magazine: website
- South Side Stories: website
- Southward Editions: website
- Souvenir Press: facebook
- Space Cat Press: website
- SPAM Zine: website
- Spark Young Writers Magazine: website
- Speculative Books: website
- Spelk: website
- Spellbinder: website
- SpellBound books: website
- Spelt Magazine: website
- Splice: website
- Spondylux Press
- Spontaneity: website
- Squaw Pies: website
- SRL Publishing: website
- SST Publications: website
- Stairwell Books: website
- Stelliform Press: website
- Stand Poetry Magazine
- Stepaway Magazine: website
- Stewed Rhubarb Press: website
- Stinging Fly: website
- Stirling Publishing: website
- Stone Skin Press: website
- Stonewood Press: website
- The Stony Thursday Poetry Book: website
- Storgy: website
- Storm Publishing: website
- Storyhouse Publishing
- The Strand Magazine: website
- Strange Attractor Press: website
- Strange Region: website
- Stranger Press: website
- Strangers Press: website
- Streetcake Magazine: website
- Strix: website
- Strong Words Magazine: website
- Structo Magazine and Press: website
- Stryvling Press: website
- Suburban Witchcraft Magazine: website
- Sugarlump Publishing: website
- Summerhill Books: website
- Swan River Press: website
- Sweet Cherry: website
- Swift Press: twitter
- Sylph Editions: website
- SYZ Books: website
- Taff Vale Press: twitter
- Tales from the Forest: website
- Tall-Lighthouse: website
- Tangent Books: website
- The Tangerine: website
- Tangerine Press: website
- Taproot Press: website
- Tapsalteerie: website
- Tarquin Group: website
- Tartarus Press: website
- Tate Publishing: website
- Team Angelica: website
- Tears in the Fence: website
- Telos Publishing Ltd: website
- Tempest Books: website
- Templar Poetry: website
- Tenebris Books: website
- thezine71: twitter
- thi wurd: website
- Thin Ice Press: website
- This and That Zine: website
- Thistle Publishing: website
- A Thousand Yellow Daisies: website
- ThunderPoint Publishing: website
- Tilia Publishing UK: website
- Tilted Axis: website
- Tindal Street: website
- Tiny Ghost Press: website
- Tiny Owl Publishing: website
- Tiny Tree Books
- Tippermuir Books: website
- Tír na nÓg: website
- Tirgearr Publishing: website
- Titan Books: website
- Token Books: website
- The Toy Press: website
- Tramp Press: website
- Trigger Publishing: website
- Troika Books: website
- Troy Books
- TTA Press: website
- Tuba Press: twitter
- Turas Press: website
- Twenty Seven: website
- Two Rivers Press: website
- Tyger Tyger Magazine: website
- Tyne Bridge Publishing: facebook
- UCLAN Publishing
- UKAuthors/UKAPress: website
- Unbound: website
- Under the Radar: website
- Undertow Publications: website
- Uniformbooks: website
- Universal Octopus: website
- Unsung Stories: website
- Unthank Books: website
- Urbane Publications: website
- V. Press: website
- Vagabond Voices: website
- Valley Press: website
- Vane Women Press: website
- Vanguard Editions: website
- Velocity Press: website
- Ventorros Press: website
- Verso Press: website
- Vertebrate Publishing: website
- Verve Poetry Press: website
- Verve Books: website
- VF Press: website
- Victorina Press: website
- Vineland Publishing: twitter
- Viper Books: website
- Virtual Zine: website
- Visual Verse: website
- The Voidery Aperture: website
- Vulpine Press: website
- Wade Hudson
- Wales Art Review: website
- Walker Books: website
- website
- Ward River Press: website
- Ward Wood Publishing: website
- Wasafari Magazine: website
- Watermark Press: website
- Watkins Publishing: website
- The Waywiser Press: website
- Weatherglass Books: website
- The Wee Book Company: website
- Welbeck Publishing Group: website
- The Well Review: website
- Welsh Football Magazine
- What On Earth Publishing: website
- The White Review: website
- Whittrick Press: website
- The Wild Geese Press: website
- Wild Hunt Books: website
- Wild Pressed Books: website
- Wild Seed Magazine: website
- Wild Things Publishing: website
- Wild Wolf Publishing: website
- Wildness: website
- The Willowherb Review: website
- website
- The Winnow Magazine: website
- Witcherley Books: website
- Wizard’s Tower Press: website
- World Editions: website
- Wormwood: website
- Worple Press: website
- Wrecking Ball Press: website
- Writeresque: website
- Wundor Editions: website
- Wyldblood Press: website
- Y Lolfa: website
- Yaffle Press: website
- Yew Tree Press: website
- YLVA Publishing: website
- Yolk Publishing: website
- YoYo Books: website
- Zed Books: website
- Zenopress: website
- Zimzalla: website
- Zsa Zsa Publishing: website
- ZunTold Publishing: website
- Zymurgy Publishing